Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I hold a imac near mac os 8.6 installed. I have need of a scanner can you assist?

Most of the scanners out within require mac os 9.0 or 10.0. can you direct me to a scanner that works on my system?

I hold a imac near mac os 8.6 installed. I have need of a scanner can you assist?

Hello maexuwil,

Given that this is older technology, you can probably shift to any Macintosh computer users group, ask around, and buy somebody's used scanner for very cheap. Most of the newer scanners are USB while the elder Mac scanners use the older SCSII technology.

Maybe you should try upgrading to Mac OS 9 or X. Mac OS 8.6 hasn't be supported in ages.
Lawd no. 9.0 is pretty dated. 8.6 is carbon dated.
I also enjoy mac os 8.6 with a microtek scanmaker v6 that works fine. My experience beside MICROTEK scanners has be positive.

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